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Audio booths

Audio booths are well-soundproofed booths with special acoustics, features and shapes. Modules 950 and 1200 are manufactured with 10 different floor plans; customized, individually designed Modulo booths are also available.

The soundproofing for modules 950 and 1200 is optimized for the frequency range of speech and "ordinary" acoustic instruments. The booths are available with two types of room acoustics, and various delivery versions.

A pleasant atmosphere is created by the bright, attractive surfaces, extensive glass areas, the very effective but extremely quiet ventilation, and the use of materials recommended for organic architecture.

The crystal-like contours are a distinctive feature. They distribute the sound and reduce sound coloration. The shapes often provide better visual relationships and permit the space to be used more efficiently, particularly in small rooms.

A key feature is the effectively isolated construction. This permits the maximum possible soundproofing in old and new buildings with an ordinary floor load-bearing capacity, so as to facilitate undisturbed work.

The "studio" version is designed for high-quality recordings. Diffusers, broadband absorbers and a sound-absorbing floor ensure an exceptionally neutral sound.