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Modulo booths: Building acoustics (soundproofing)

The design of modules 950 and 1200 can be adopted unchanged, or can be optimized for your specific situation.

If you wish to work with extremely loud volumes and a high proportion of bass frequencies (e.g. with percussion or amplifiers), customized planning is advantageous in terms of soundproofing, to make your room usable.
Alternatively, if room-within-a-room construction is beneficial from the point of view of room acoustics, the soundproofing can be adjusted to the amount actually required, so as to reduce costs.
Intelligent planning can provide more usable space at the same cost, which is particularly advantageous for critical room sizes.

Our consultations and planning are based on an assessment of the building acoustics, i.e. we analyze the spatial characteristics and clarify how much additional soundproofing will be required for the areas concerned. Since on-site measurements are quite costly, remote diagnoses are frequently preferred. In this case, we will ask you to provide descriptions, construction diagrams, drawings and photos.

Based on our experience, which involves many individual measurements for previously completed projects, we can draw the conclusions required for planning with a high degree of reliability.

Sound pressure level differences D, w of up to 55 dB have been measured for completed booths.